Friday, 20 September 2013

RPSC Ajmer Recruitment 2013

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) invites Online Applications from young and Dynamic professionals for filling the 3899 vacancies of Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Grade -II , IIIposts and 156 vacancies of Tehsil Revenue Accountant posts . Interested Candidates can apply Online before 20th October, 2013. More detailed information like Eligibility criteria, other relevant details and details of application form are mentioned below.

RPSC Recruitment 2013 complete vacancy details :
Number of vacancies : 4055
Name of posts :
1. Physical Training Instructor II : 1041 vacancies
2. Physical Training Instructor III : 2858 vacancies
3. Tehsil Revenue Accountant : 156 vacancies

Latest opening in RPSC.

Eligibility Criteria :

Age Limit : Candidates must have attend the age of 18 yrs and must not have crossed the age of 35 yrs .

Educational Qualification :
1. For PTI Grade - II Posts : Candidates must possess Bachelor of
Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) recognized  by the National Council for Teacher Education.
2. For PTI Grade - III Posts : Candidates must possess Bachelor of  Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or Certificate  in Physical Education (C.P.Ed.) or Diploma in Physical  Education (D.P.Ed.) recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education .
3. For Tehsil Revenue Accountant : degree in Arts, Science, Commerce or Agriculture of a University established by Law in India or of a Foreign University

More jobs in Rajasthan.

Selection process : Selection shall be made on the basis of  performance in written Examination.

Salary : 
1. PTI Grade - II : Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- Per Month .
2. PTI Grade - III : Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs. 3600/- Per Month .
3. Tehsil Revenue Accountant : Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs. 3600/- Per Month .

How to Apply : Candidates are required to fill Online Application form available on RPSC before 20th October, 2013 after fulfilling eligibility criteria given in 
the advertisement.

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Important dates :
Opening of Gateway for Online Registration : 20th September, 2013
Closing of Gateway for Online Registration : 20th October, 2013

Click here to view the Official notification.

Click here to Apply Online.

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